Natural Magnesium

The easiest, safest, fastest way to restore lost magnesium, and rejuvenate your health with the most potent magnesium on earth.


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Zechsta™ Magnesium Flakes are crystallized form of natural magnesium chloride accompanied with many trace minerals. Dissolved in worm bath water Magnesium Flakes are designed to restore cellular magnesium efficiently and gently.

Zechsta™ Magnesium Oil is the purest form of natural magnesium chloride and trace minerals, mined from the ancient Zechstein Sea two kilometres below the earth’s surface.

The Zechsta Difference

Most of magnesium products on the market are made in the lab. Zechsta magnesium is totally natural and contains over 70 minerals and trace elements.

Zechsta For Life

Regular use of Zechsta transdermal magnesium is the safest and the cheapest way to replenish and maintain magnesium levels in the body.

The Power of Zechsta

There is no medicine discovered yet, which can equal efficacy of Zechsta in terms of overall cellular health and general well-being.

Magnesium The Light of Life

Thеrе іѕ nо hеаlіng system mоrе роwеrful thаn that which employs Nаturе’ѕ рrіmоrdіаl ѕubѕtаnсеѕ; mаtеrіаlѕ so pure аnd сlоѕе tо nature thаt thеу уіеld benefits wіthоut the tурісаl side еffесtѕ оf mоѕt drugѕ. That’s what Zechsta Magnesium is.

South Africans Seriously
Magnesium Deficient 

Major part of South African population is seriously magnesium deficient. This is one of the reasons why diabetes, hypertension, obesity and hearth disease is so prevalent in South Africa. Magnesium is responsible for at least 400 hundred chemical reactions in the body.


Of teenage girls Magnesium deficient


Of all population Magnesium deficient


Of all population unaware of deficiency


Of 65 and older Magnesium deficient

Transdermal Magnesium

The easiest and fastest way to replenish lost magnesium is to apply Zechsta Magnesium Oil transdermally.This method allows the body to absorb higher amounts of magnesium, without a risk of frequent and excessive bowel movement.



Why do you need Zechsta Magnesium?

Soil depletion and farming methods are the result of food lacking magnesium. Therefore daily magnesium supplementation is essential.

Reach Us

Fill in the form and we’ll contact you within 24 hours.

164A Frederick Drive,
Northcliff, Johannesburg South Africa, 2195

+27 82 927 5968

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